# Animate with Keyframes

# Setting Keyframes

For animatable properties, you will see a keyframe icon when toggling over it. Clicking this will set a keyframe at the current time with the current value.

This will also “arm” the property to accept more keyframes. Now, any time you change the value, a new keyframe will be set.

Animation - Setting Keyframes.gif
Animation - Setting Keyframes.gif

# Navigating Keyframes

If a property has keyframes but you’re not currently on one, the left and right arrows next to the keyframe button will let you navigate between them.

Animation - Navigating Keyframes.gif
Animation - Navigating Keyframes.gif

# Removing Keyframes

To remove a keyframe that exists at current time, click the keyframe button again.

Animation - Removing Keyframes.gif
Animation - Removing Keyframes.gif

You can also remove all the keyframes on a property and reset it to its default value by right clicking on the property and choosing the option to Reset.

CleanShot 2023-04-19 at 10.16.29.gif
CleanShot 2023-04-19 at 10.16.29.gif